CRL 1/2" UV Bond Square Crystal Shelf Support - UVSQ12


CRL UV Shelf Support has all the necessary hardware, adhesives, fixation devices, and lamps to quickly and efficiently design and construct unique, attractive all-glass cabinets. CRL has the technical expertise to get you started and answer all your questions. Our GB10 Glass Bonding Catalog has everything you will need to install Shelf Supports like these or UV Hardware to create your own designs.
Create Custom Designs
Choose From a Large Variety of Styles
Quick and Easy to Install Using UV Adhesives
Catalog Number: UVSQ12
Also Available in These Catalogs:
CRL53R Glass & Glazing Catalog, PAGE 327G
CRL03 Sealants, Adhesives, and Fasteners, PAGE N440
Ship Via: Can Ship UPS
Minimum Order: 4 Each
UVSQ12 CRL 1/2" UV Bond Square Crystal Shelf Support
UVSQ34 CRL 3/4" UV Bond Square Crystal Shelf Support
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